Get Registered (Registration and Re-Registration)

Get Registered 

Students can choose to register to vote at your address on/near campus or at your permanent home address. The most important things to consider are where you feel is most convenient and motivating to actually vote.  

The last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania for the 2024 General Election is October 21, 2024.

  • Check your current registration status
  • Register to vote - Note that you must re-register to vote every time you move to a different location on or around Temple's campus. This includes if you are moving out at the end of the year.
    • Check to see if you have already enrolled in the annual mail-in ballot request. If so, ensure that your address is updated in the event you are moving out of campus housing, for example. 

Not eligible to vote?

Some people are not eligible to vote in U.S. Elections. What can you do if this applies to you?

  • Educate yourself about the voting system in the U.S.
  • Learn about how U.S. elections might affect issues that you care about.
  • Encourage and remind your friends who are eligible to vote to do so!