Other Basic Needs Resources

Basic Needs Insecurity

Basic needs insecurity refers to the lack of access to adequate food, stable housing, and other essential resources necessary for academic success and overall well-being. This issue has been increasingly recognized as a significant barrier to higher education attainment and student success. 

52% of Temple students surveyed experienced at least one of the following: food insecurity, housing insecurity, or homelessness in the previous 30 days.

Temple University and the City of Philadelphia have many basic needs support resources. 



  • Students can find detailed information on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligibility criteria as a college student and information on how to apply on our website. 

  • Foodshare Slack: Temple-wide Slack groupchat that diverts leftover food from events to those in the Temple community seeking food resources.​ Students are welcome to let others know about leftover food as well as utilizing the resource.  

  • The City of Philadelphia’s Free Food and Meal Finder: The City of Philadelphia has a Free Food and Meal Finder resource to allow residents to browse food resources available to them.


Clothing Assistance

  • The Wardrobe: Temple University has a partnership with The Wardrobe to offer students discounted second-hand and free professional attire. 

  • During the annual Temple Thrift Event, eligible students can apply for a free clothing vouchers to be redeemed at the event.  Apply for a voucher here.

  • Students in Klein College of Media and Communication can access the school’s Career Closet for free professional clothing. Students can stop by Room 7 in Annenberg Hall and request assistance from the Klein EDGE student workers.   


Financial Resources  

  • Student Emergency Aid Fund: The purpose of the Student Affairs Emergency Fund is to provide short-term financial assistance with unusual or unforeseen circumstances. 

  • FAFSA Support: The PA Department of Education and uAspire have partnered to provide students with Financial Aid Assistance. Text the help desk anytime. A uAspire Advisor will respond within 24 business hours to help you complete the FAFSA and answer your questions. Text 313-PA-FAFSA or 313-723-2372. 


Healthcare and Mental Health 

  • Tuttleman Counseling: If you are a registered student at Temple University, Tuttleman Counseling Services (TCS) offers support for your mental health needs. Assistance at TCS is confidential and free of charge. TCS is located at 1700 N. Broad Street on the 2th floor. 

  • Student Health Services: Student Health Services (SHS) provides the eligible Temple University community with affordable, accessible and high-quality primary healthcare. SHS is located at 1700 N. Broad Street on the 4th floor. 

  • Nutrition Services: You can meet with a Student Health Services Nutritionist (RD) on Temple’s Main Campus for free. 



  • FLIGHT: Flight is Temple University’s free nighttime fixed-route shuttle loop service. Flight-branded shuttles circulate throughout the areas within and surrounding the main campus patrol zone. 

  • Secondhand Cycles: Secondhand Cycles is Bike Temple's bicycle surplus program. After refurbishing abandoned bicycles on campus, the bicycles are then sold back to students for $100 or less at several sales events throughout the year.



  • If you need technology support, Information Technology Services and the Division of Student Affairs provide options to eligible students.